Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition

Our Mission:

Bringing eldercare providers from across SE Alaska together to problem solve mutual issues, share program information & be a collaborative force for change.


Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition – In fall 2021, the Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC), in concert with the Juneau Commission on Aging (JCOA), convened a group of eldercare providers to strategize and find more efficient, effective, and collaborative mechanisms to serve elders by working together toward our parallel and collective goals. The meeting included broad representation from organizations providing regional and local services for elders and people experiencing disabilities, medical and mental health providers, and representatives from tribal organizations, AARP, United Way, and others focused on the senior economy.

An early survey of participating organizations in the newly-formed Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition highlighted that the most pressing issue for member providers is eldercare workforce needs, including staff recruitment, training, and retention.

Coaltion Project Objectives

  • Provide a centralized home for Coalition information and eldercare issues.
  • Promote collaboration rather than competition for funding and staff.
  • Develop Navigation Tool and Provider/Client Contract for eldercare service providers in Southeast Alaska
  • Organize an Eldercare Summit to bring stakeholders and partners together.
  • Help initiate a Regional Training mechanism to train Eldercare Staff. 

Coalition Overview

Future Events

SERRC, Path Academy offers entry level healthcare certifications in Mental Health First Aid, CPR and First Aid, Crisis Intervention, Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Control,  plus employment skills.  Training i free to students and SEERC will travel to your community to provide the course.  If you have potential students with interest and/or your community would like to have the training, please contact the Juneau SERRC office at (907) 586-6806.

NAMI Juneau Inside Passages Speaker Series: 

More information please visit:

Riverview Senior Living: Pop up Picnic
July 21 3:30PM-4:30PM
3041 Clinton Drive Juneau, Alaska

Medicare Information Office Social Security is Coming to Dillingham, Nome and Sitka in August.

Alaska Remote Services Flyer

Dear Alaskans,

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will be providing in-person services to three local Alaskan communities, Dillingham, Nome and Sitka, the first week of August. We are asking for your help to spread the word to community members and contacts to ensure SSA can assist as many people as possible.

We have attached a flyer with the dates, locations, and hours for the communities SSA will be providing services to, and no appointment is needed. Please share this information with as many people as you can, your help is greatly appreciated.

SSA recommends individuals bring a form of identification, if possible. The following links may be helpful, should you receive any questions from members of your community. SSA is also happy to assist with any questions you may have.



Eagle Raven Walking Challenge Flyer 2024

T&H Eagle Raven Walking Challenge 2024

July 8-August 16, 2024

Not too late to join the fun!


Catholic Community Service (CCS)’s Meals On Wheels program *NEEDS* community volunteers! If you’re interested, please call (907) 469-6179.

St. Vincent De Paul Navigators Have walk- in times available 9AM-1PM Monday – Friday for assistance with housing. Dave Ringle (907) 789-5535.

Tlingit and Haida Central Council has navigators for tribal citizens facing homelessness. Contacts Stephanie Knudson (907) 463-7941 and Jeni Brown (907)463-7396


Steering Committee Members– Contact Link

Co-Chair Erin Walker – Tolles, Executive Director Catholic Community Services

Co-Chair Sheryl Yeisley. Care Coordinator Wellness Within, LLC

Secretary, Sioux Douglas, Community Elder

Member, Joan O’Keefe, Executive Director Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL)

Member, Brian Holst, Executive Director Juneau Economic Development Council

Member, Open

Member, Open

Member, Open



Email, Sioux Douglas to include upcoming events for your organization on our outreach. 

Email, Sioux Douglas to submit Best Practices or Member Highlight suggestions for upcoming full SREC Coalition meetings. 

Email Tonya Muldoon, SREC Program Director with possible interested persons to join the SREC Coalition.  Please include contact name, agency, phone, and email, if possible. Webpage corrections can also be forwarded to Tonya Muldoon.    

Gunalchéesh haa éet yidasheeyí! (Thank you all for helping us!)

The Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition is funded with generous support from:

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority,

Juneau Emergency Medical Associates,

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies,

and the Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC).