Our Mission:

Bringing eldercare providers from across SE Alaska together to problem solve mutual issues, share program information & be a collaborative force for change.


Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition – In fall 2021, the Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC), in concert with the Juneau Commission on Aging (JCOA), convened a group of eldercare providers to strategize and find more efficient, effective, and collaborative mechanisms to serve elders by working together toward our parallel and collective goals. The meeting included broad representation from organizations providing regional and local services for elders and people experiencing disabilities, medical and mental health providers, and representatives from tribal organizations, AARP, United Way, and others focused on the senior economy.

An early survey of participating organizations in the newly-formed Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition highlighted that the most pressing issue for member providers is eldercare workforce needs, including staff recruitment, training, and retention.


Full Coalition Meeting

Occurs the first Friday each month from 830-930AM

Next scheduled meeting: 

April 4, 2025

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 6661 2080

Passcode: 471844 


Catholic Community Service (CCS)’s Meals On Wheels program *NEEDS* community volunteers! If you’re interested, please call (907) 469-6179.

St. Vincent De Paul Navigators Have walk- in times available 9AM-1PM Monday – Friday for assistance with housing. Dave Ringle (907) 789-5535.

Tlingit and Haida Central Council has navigators for tribal citizens facing homelessness. Contacts Stephanie Knudson (907) 463-7941 and Jeni Brown (907)463-7396

SERRC, Path Academy offers entry level healthcare certifications in Mental Health First Aid, CPR and First Aid, Crisis Intervention, Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Control,  plus employment skills.  Training is free to students and SEERC will travel to your community to provide the course.  If you have potential students with interest and/or your community would like to have the training, please contact the Juneau SERRC office at (907) 586-6806.

NAMI Juneau Inside Passages Speaker Series: 
More information please visit: 



Community Resources Connect
March, 2025
RSVP Community_Advocacy@tlingitandhaida.gov.

Riverview Senior Living is offering free Support for Memory Care, RSVP Zoom meeting, See flyer for more details: Riverview Memory Matter Support Group flyer

Widow’s and Widower’s Garden Support Group (WE ARE ALL LIVING IN THE GARDEN OF LIFE)
Riverview Senior Living
3041 Clinton Dr
Juneau Alaska 99801
First Monday each month 2-4PM
More information contact Diane Kyser at (907) 723-1917


Focus and Flourish Brian Health Series: 6-Week Brain Health Fitness program
Focus Flourish Series Flyer

Seward’s Day Pancakes Friend Raiser

Juneau Senior Center March 31, 2025, 9:30AM-1PM

They are looking for participants.  Volunteers are needed to help with the event, contact JSCOutreach@ccsak.org

Caregiver’s Conference at T&H

March 31, 2025, 11AM-3PM  Tables are available and open for vendors to sign up through Ann Stepetin.  Email:  astepetin@tlingitandhaida.gov

Full Lives Conference for Direct Support Professionals and Care Coordinators: Building Our Shared Future Together

April 10-11, 2025 Anchorage, Alaska



Alaska Community Health Fair

Location: 3254 Hospital Drive Juneau, AK 99801

Saturday April 12, 2025, 8AM-1PM

Registration https://akhealthfair.org

Or call (907) 278-0234 or (907) 723-5100

Also available via Facebook at AK Health Fair, Inc.


Co-Chair Erin Walker – Tolles, Executive Director Catholic Community Services

Co-Chair Sheryl Yeisley, Care Coordinator Wellness Within, LLC

Secretary, John Smith III, T&H Elder’s Council and Community Elder

Member, Joan O’Keefe, Executive Director Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL)

Member, Brian Holst, Executive Director Juneau Economic Development Council

Member, Gloria Burns, Executive Director Ketchikan Indian Community

Member, Sioux Douglas, Community Elder​

Member, Wayne Stevens, Community Elder



Email tmuldoon@jedc.org. Tonya Muldoon to include upcoming events for your organization, and to submit Best Practices or Member Highlight suggestions for upcoming full SREC Coalition meetings. Please also email with interested persons to join the SREC Coalition, include contact name, agency, phone, and email, if possible. Webpage corrections can also be forwarded to Tonya Muldoon.    


SREC Project Overview

Southeast Regional Eldercare Coalition is devised of regional Social Services providers, interested community members, family members and users of services.  The Coalition and Steering Committee acts as an advisor for the SREC Project.   The SREC Project is a limited time project that is a grant-funded to act as the backbone administration for the Coalition while working to develop the workforce, improve retention, and increase navigation within the eldercare system. The project overall, is aimed to improve the quality of life for the elders by supporting aging in place through advocating for a stronger Direct Support Professional workforce who provide in-home care in the region.

  • SREC Project Objectives

    • Provide a centralized home for Coalition information and eldercare issues.
    • Promote collaboration rather than competition for funding and staff.
    • Develop Navigation Tool for eldercare service providers in Southeast Alaska
    • Organize an Eldercare Summit to bring stakeholders and partners together.
    • Help initiate a Regional Training mechanism to train Eldercare Staff.

    SREC Project Planning