Become a FIRST in Alaska Sponsor!

When you partner with FIRST in Alaska and become a sponsor of our program, you are helping to inspire the next generation of problem solvers, allowing the program to reach further, allowing kids to excel even farther!

Building a Future Workforce #GetAnywhere

By partnering with FIRST in Alaska, you invest in developing the next generation of STEM leaders. Our partnership helps to  foster a pipeline of skilled and confident young individuals ready to tackle tomorrow’s challenges. Join in supporting the next generation of STEAM Leaders and help them #GetAnywhere

Partnering Unlocks Key Developments For Your Company

Workforce Pipeline

Creates a pipeline for future employees.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Becoming a partner of one of the largest statewide STEM Programs in Alaska enhances company reputation and visibility

Employee Volunteerism

Opportunities for employees to volunteer at local events! Employees can see first-hand the impact that their donation has on the program!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Partnership with the FIRST in Alaska program provides a range of benefits designed to suit your company’s goals and budget!

Event Participation

Secure speaking opportunities, distribute merchandise, volunteer in event day roles (employee volunteerism encouraged) and an ability to connect directly with the communities you are supporting by being a partner of the program.

Brand Visibility

Gain prominent recognition through branding on event banners, materials, websites, and social media channels.

Employee Engagement

Enable your employees to volunteer and mentor, fostering a positive company culture and enhancing skills.

Tailored Sponsorship

We’d love to collaborate with you to create a tailored sponsorship package that aligns with your company’s values and goals. 



Youth Reached Globally through the FIRST Program

~ 2,000+

Students partake in FIRST in Alaska Every Year


FIRST LEGO League Teams across the State of Alaska


FIRST Tech Challenge Teams across the State of Alaska

FIRST Works. We Have Proof.

FIRST has taken the last 120 months and researched the lasting impacts of involvement in the FIRST program. Their findings are quite remarkable, showing a long lasting positive impact on participants across all demographic groups!

Increase In STEM Related Attitudes

“120 months after enrollment, FIRST students are still roughly two times more likely to show an increase in STEM-related attitudes than comparison group students” – FIRST 


STEM Knowledge






STEM Activity


STEM Interest

Thank You to our FIRST in Alaska Sponsors!

Leaders in Technology

Captains of Innovation

Friends of the Future

Robot Booster

Alvin A & Roberta T. Klein Trust

FIRST in Alaska Supporter

Juneau Community Foundation – Douglas Dornan Fund

Program Delivery Organization

Juneau Economic Development Council

“… the Program Delivery Organization’s (PDO) role is an organization that helps young people discover the rewards and excitement of education and careers in STEM…” – FIRST FAQ

Funding Partner

Alaska Development Corporation

Alaska Development Corporation as a partner in funding of FIRST in Alaska helps provide funding to support the program. Much of the direct funding to the FIRST in Alaska Program operates through ADC.

Alaska Development Corporation is an eligible organization in the Alaska PFD Pick.Click.Give program. Money that is donated to ADC through Pick.Click.Give is given directly to support the FIRST in Alaska Program!