Engage around original ideas and forward-thinking topics!

Don’t miss this opportunity to share your innovative project, work, or idea with Innovation Shorts, 10-minute presentations similar to a Ted Talk. Shorts offer conference attendees a glimpse into a host of topics that surround the larger conference theme. Each Short is just enough time to pique the attention of the audience.

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Innovation Shorts will feature an exciting lineup of over 25 innovative concepts! During the 2-day Summit, attendees will have the opportunity to delve into a diverse range of topics in breakout rooms. Presenters will showcase 10-minute presentations on innovative concepts related to the Summit theme: “Charting a Course to the Future We Want”.

Some of the intriguing topics to be explored this year include: “3 Design Tips for Marketing Materials That Drive Profits,”  “The Impact of AI on Business Strategies,” “Transforming Recycled Plastic into Sustainable Wood,”  “Balancing Environment and Economy in Cruise Ship Tourism at The Nærøyfjord World Heritage Park,” and “Alaska Angel Conference – Investing in Northern Innovation.”