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Assisted Living Facilities

In Development

Assisted Living Facility

Assisted Living facilities provide 24-hour care in a homelike setting for elders and/or persons with mental health, developmental, or physical disabilities who need aid with their activities of daily living such as showering, dressing, and eating.  Facility size and some annuities vary upon location.  Many of the Assisted Living Facilities in Alaska are privately owned.  The Pioneer Home system is owned and operated by the State of Alaska and offers Assisted Living level of care. Most of the Assisted Living Facilities are in the Anchorage, Alaska area.  Planning ahead is important if you believe that your needs may reach the level for Assisted Living Placement.

The Pioneer Home system offers two waiting lists.  One, known as the Inactive Waiting List, is for those who plan to enter the Pioneer Home at some time in the future and the other, Active Waiting List, is for those with an immediate desire to move into the facility within 30 days.  The waiting list is free to sign up on.  Once an application is received your name and application date are recorded.  If you choose to move to the Active Waiting List, your application date determines your placement on the Active List.  The older the application date the higher you fall on the Active Waiting List (the oldest application is #1 on the Active Waiting List).   They require all applicants to be Alaska residents over the age of 65 years.

State of Alaska, Department of Family and Community Services, Division of Alaska Pioneer Homes

Medicaid Wavier will pay the Cost of Care to a facility for an individual needing Assisted Living placement.  The participant is required to pay a portion to the facility for monthly rent.

For an individual who needs immediate Assisted Living facility placement but is pending a Medicaid Wavier, The State of Alaska Department of Health Division of Senior and Disabilities Services provides the General Relief Program that assists with the cost of placement for an interim period.  The individual is still required to pay a portion of their monthly income to the facility with this funding.

State of Alaska, Department of Health, Division of Senior and Disabilities Services, General Relief Program

Looking for an Assisting Living Home Facility?  The State of Alaska, Department of Health, Division of Health Care Services, Assisted Living Licensing Unit provides a monthly updated list of statewide facilities.

Current Licensed Facilities

If you have improved while residing in a facility and desire to seek community placement, the State of Alaska, Department of Health, Division of Senior and Disabilities Services offers a program to assist with the cost associated for moving out of a Skilled Nursing, Long-Term Care, or Assisted Living Facility.

Nursing Facility Transition/Assisted Living Transition Program