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The ISW was created to replace the Community Development Disabilities Grant (CDDG) Program.​

Primary difference between the ISW and IDD Medicaid Waivers are:​

  1. ISW does not offer out of home supports like Group Home placement​
  2. The ISW has an annual cost limit for the total hours of service.  The cost limit does not include care coordination services.​
  3. The cost limit has a temporary emergency benefit if an individual where to loss a caregiver or suffer a medical event. ​

Other services:​

  • Care Coordination
  • In-home Supports <18 (Limited)​
  • Supported Living > 18 (Limited)
  • Day Habilitation​
  • Respite
  • Supported Employment​
  • Chore
  • Transportation​
Eligibility Requirements:

The ISW Waiver is intended for individuals who meet the same criteria as the IDD Medicaid Wavier.  ​

  1. Are determined through the Developmental Disability Determination Application to experience a developmental disability; ​
  2. meet ICF/IID LOC criteria; (DEFINE)and ​
  3. are enrolled in Medicaid. ​

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