JEDC STEM is committed to increasing competencies and interest in STEM Fields, achieved through programs like FIRST in Alaska and our STEM Summer Camps
FIRST in AlaskaSummer Camps

Increasing Competencies:

JEDC approaches this goal through three main pathways:


  1. Facilitating professional development of teachers
  2. offering STEM enrichment activities to students.
  3. Participating in advocacy and outreach to build public awareness and support for STEM Education.

Our work is guided by a commitment to hands-on, engaged learning that links students to real world opportunities and challenges in an environment of high expectations and discovery.  We work with teachers and students, government and non-government organizations,  not-for-profits, and increasingly with Alaska business and industry to address the current and future STEM needs of the state.

Brian Holst, He/Him

Executive Director, Juneau Economic Development Council

Alaska Development Corporation

The Alaska Development Corporation (ADC) is a statewide organization that promotes sound and sustainable economic growth and diversification throughout Alaska. Affiliated with the Juneau Economic Development Council, the ADC provides information, education, and programs of assistance for businesses, agencies, students and the public. 

ADC accepts donations from Individuals and Organizations on behalf of the programs run by JEDC STEM, including the FIRST in Alaska Program and the STEM Summer Camps! 

Those Wishing to Donate can click the link below to be directed to the Donation page! thank you so much for investing in our future! 

Alaska's Robotics Program
Donate to the ProgramBecome a Sponsor

A Worldwide 501c(3) Dedicated to STEM and FUN!

A Robotics Program for kids aged 6 – 18, teams to work together to build and program robots and to find solutions for the problems their teams face, around 2,000 Students across Alaska participate annually, with the support of over 500 Volunteers Statewide! 

Supporting the Program

The Juneau Economic Development Council is the Program Delivery Organization for FIRST in Alaska, and is supported in partnership through the Alaska Development Corporation. The program is always looking for more volunteers, sponsors, and donors!


Registration Opening Soon for 2025

“STEM education is an economic imperative. Experts say that technological innovation accounted for almost half of U.S. economic growth over the past 50 years, and almost all of the 30 fastest-growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some background in STEM. 

STEM literacy is also critical because it has a profound and growing impact on our day-to-day lives. It helps us make critical decisions about our health care, our finances and our retirement. It illuminates the ever more complex issues that govern the future of our democracy, and it reveals to us the beauty and power of the world we inhabit. A literate nation not only reads. It computes, investigates and innovates.”

(Change The, 2010)

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  1. LEGO Robotics FLL Challenge Camp
  2. LEGO Robotics FLL Explore Camp
  3. FIRST LEGO League Tips/Introduction to Python
  4. Girls Rock Robotics Camp
  5. Gruening Park Camp
  6. Entrepenur Camp
  7. 3D Design and Print Camp
  8. FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Camp
  9. Technical Trades Camp

“STEM education is an economic imperative. Experts say that technological innovation accounted for almost half of U.S. economic growth over the past 50 years, and almost all of the 30 fastest-growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some background in STEM. 

STEM literacy is also critical because it has a profound and growing impact on our day-to-day lives. It helps us make critical decisions about our health care, our finances and our retirement. It illuminates the ever more complex issues that govern the future of our democracy, and it reveals to us the beauty and power of the world we inhabit. A literate nation not only reads. It computes, investigates and innovates.”, 2010