Tower Building

Tower Building

Engineering | 30-45 minutes

In this activity, students are challenged to design and build the tallest tower they can with limited variety in materials. Be creative!

Materials Needed

Per group of 2-4 students:

  • Large quantity of straws

  • Large quantity of paper clips

  • 6 inches of tape

  • Scissors

  • Pencil and paper


  1. The objective of this engineering challenge is to build the tallest free-standing tower possible.

  2. As a team, come up with a basic plan for building the structure.  You may want to experiment with the materials at hand as part of this step.  Keep your deadline in mind, and be sure to take everyone’s ideas into account.

  3. Make a rough sketch of the intended design using the paper and pencil provided.

  4. Build your tower, using only the materials provided. Be sure to include everyone in the building process.

  5. When you reach the end of your allotted time, take turns with the other groups to see how they all solved the same engineering challenge.  Talk about what worked, about what didn’t, and the challenges you had to overcome.


For this explanation, team up with other groups and talk about what you did similarly and differently. Try answering some of these questions.

How did you come up with your idea?

Did you use paper clips, straws, tape, etc. ? How did you use them?

What was hard about this challenge?


Real World:

Just like you, engineers and architects in real life have to come with a design, make a plan, and work with a team to build something. And just like you, they can build things in really cool ways out of really cool materials. Look around through the week and see if you can find any cool buildings.


Try it!

This activity can be done with all kinds of materials. Here are some ideas for variations on this activity.

Newspaper and masking tape

Spaghetti and marshmallows

Pipe Cleaners
