Why limit your Juneau Maritime Festival activities to the shore? Join us on May 3rd and get out on the water with one of our Harbor Cruises! Enjoy the live entertainment of your choice and a no-host bar featuring beer, wine, a limited alcohol selection as well as Allen Marine Tours’ classic “Glacier-itas”. There will also be complimentary coffee, tea, and hot chocolate available, all while you tour around beautiful downtown Juneau’s surrounding waterways!
Trip 1: 11:30 – 12:15 – Kids themed cruise hosted by Juneau Public Libraries
Trip 2: 1:00 – 1:45 – Environmental or Historical speaker – TBD
Trip 3: 2:30 – 3:15 – Live music featuring Quinton Woolman-Morgan
Trip 4: 4:00 – 4:45 – Live music featuring the Juneau Lyric Opera – BEER CHOIR
Tickets will go on sale on this website in early April:
$25 – age 12 and up
$10 – Age 2-12
Under 2 yrs old – FREE!

This Event is Sponsored by Allen Marine Tours, Supporting Southeast Alaska Through Tourism!
Thanks to Delta Western for providing fuel!