JEDC Newsletters
Alaska Innovation Summit: The Business of AI
Join us at the Alaska Innovation Summit to discover how these cutting-edge technologies like generative AI and digital transformation can impact your business, sector, and more! Don’t miss the chance to learn from experts and gain insights that can help you stay ahead in your industry. Register now to secure your spot and start innovating for the future!
Also in this issue, choose Alaska Development Corportation when you Pick.Click.Give., view our economic indicator of the month, learn about Juneau’s new Widow/Widowers group, and share your voice on the Draft Assessment for Tongass Forest Plan Revision.
FIRST in Alaska: Juneau Jamboree
On December 14, over 50 volunteers and 18 teams of kids aged 8-14 from Skagway, Petersburg, and Juneau came together at the Centennial Hall Convention Center for the Juneau Robot Jamboree FIRST LEGO League tournament. Participants showcased their months of hard work, competing for a spot in the State Championship, the Alaska Robot Rendezvous. Teams engaged in a judging session, demonstrating their teamwork and solutions to ocean-related issues, alongside their coding and robotics skills.
Also in this issue, read the upcoming 2025 Alaska Innovation Summit, meet our new JEDC Board member, read our Annual Economic Indicators Report, and check out JEDC’s recognition in the 2024 Regional Forester’s Rewards.
Join us at the Eldercare Summit on October 1 & 2
Southeast Alaska is currently seeing a demographic shift. The senior population aged 60 and above has steadily increased over the past decade, contrasting sharply with the overall decline in other age groups. These shifts have created a greater need to connect our regional eldercare resources together. The SREC Summit is a great way to learn about tools, resources, organizations, and employers in our region.
Also in this issue, read the Resolution by the JEDC Board in opposition to Prop 2 on CBJ ballot, share our nonresident and seasonal worker surveys, learn about JEDC Board openings, and check out FIRST in Alaska season updates.
Introducing the 2024 SREC Photo Contest
We are seeking original and artistic photos of elders (60+) in Southeast Alaska. Judges will look for images featuring elders, elders with caregivers, or elders engaged in the community. All Southeast Alaska communities are encouraged to participate. Join the contest for your chance to win a CASH PRIZE!
Also in this issue, read our Juneau by Numbers pamphlet which outlines economic indicators and facts about Juneau’s economy, and Save the Date for our SREC Summit coming this fall!
Congratulations Graduating Class of 2024
Huge congratulations to the graduating Class of 2024! More than 300 seniors graduated from Juneau’s three high schools. We look forward to their bright futures.
Also in this issue, help us congratulate Montis Corporation for winning the Alaska Angel Conference, view our open Camp Instructor position for our STEM Summer Camps, help us welcome our 16 new DBA “Friends of Downtown”, learn about our tourism gross revenue, and more!